Sunday 26 October 2014

Victorian Era

Victorian Era
During the Victorian Era, technology was slowly starting to improve and many important innovations took place during this time. These innovations included the blast furnace in which slowly started the production of steel, the print works, textile mills, the elevator and even typewriters. During this time, there was also an expansion in the middle class because of the rise of the industry and work. Because of this, people started to afford to live comfortably and could even buy some art works as well. Victorians loved to show off their possessions, thus houses were often very decorative. During this time, historicism was common as architecture and even interiors were built to imitate Gothic and rococo designs; such example of this would be the St. Pancras railway station as it was built in a Neo-Gothic style. During this time, there was also an increase in mass production because of the new technological advances.

William Morris
William Morris was a designer and leader of the arts and crafts movement. William Morris believed that machines were degrading creativity in design. He believed that handcrafts are far superior as it gives a sort of personal feel of the designer into the product. Morris was heavily inspired by nature ranging from plants to animals as well.

Red House 1859-1865
Red House is Neo-Gothic house design by William Morris and Philip Webb that shows a very unique design during that time. The rich red colour compliments the green grass around it. The grass helps to balance out the colour of the house. The balance of different angled lines help to give the house a powerful and complex look as well. The circled windows give a nice touch of visual balance as well.

1.) Victorian Architecture, Available from: [18 October 2014]
2.) The Victorians, [online video], 2014, (accessed on 18 October 2014)
3.) Loftus, 2011, The Rise of The Victorian Middle Class, Available from: [18 October 2014]
4.) Red House London, Available from:,_London [18 October 2014]

5.) William Morris part 2, [online video], 2011, (assessed on 18 October 2014)