Friday 17 October 2014

Introduction of Balance in Art and Design

Balance in art and design is one of principles that help the artist or designer to produce visually pleasing work. Balance works on all the elements of art;

  • Line: Horizontal, vertical, diagonal and curved lines
  • Shape: Organic and Inorganic shapes
  • Form: Geometric or non geometric forms
  • Colour: Warm and cold colours or complimentary colours
  • Value: Light and Dark
  • Texture: Smooth and Rough textures
  • Space: Positive and negative shape

One could also balance out his/her work with symmetry. Symmetrical balance pleases the eye as it creates harmony. Different types of symmetry create different and interesting works as well.
  • Symmetrical balance
  • Asymmetrical balance
  • Radial Balance

Throughout history, artists experimented with balance to create different art styles such as chiaroscuro
. Sculptors have also used balance to create the “perfect” looking faces and bodies as well thus creating the “golden ration”. Artists have also used colour and value balance to show hierarchy as well.  Designers have also experimented with balance to create interesting and attractive patterns and designs on fashion and even architecture. In interior design, colour balance is very important aspect to create visually pleasing interiors.